====== MLWizard Command Line Interface ====== [[rapidminer:mlwizard|back to main page]] MLWizard can be used via the command line, as well. It will be started using the provided jar-file: java -cp /path/to/rapidminer.jar:/path/to/MLWizard.jar de.dfki.madm.mlwizard.cli.CommandLineInterface [outfile] The first argument is the path to the dataset in [[http://weka.wikispaces.com/XRFF|XRFF-format]] that will be used as input. The second argument is the task that should be performed and can be one of the following: * wizard - runs the complete wizard * metafeatures - computes the meta-features * recommend - recommends classifers * evaluate - evaluates all classifiers * construct - constructs the classification system The third argument is optional and defines where the results are written to. The result depends on the task and might be meta-features, a parameter set or a RapidMiner pipeline. If no file is supplied, the results are written to stdout. A sample session might be: java -cp /path/to/rapidminer.jar:/path/to/MLWizard.jar de.dfki.madm.mlwizard.cli.CommandLineInterface iris.xrff wizard result.xml [ 0] k-NN 0.87 [ 1] Rule Induction 0.87 [ 2] Neural Net 0.87 [ 3] SVM 0.86 [ 4] Decision Tree 0.84 [ 5] Naive Bayes 0.79 Enter comma separated numbers of classifiers you want to be evaluated: 0,1,2 [ 0] k-NN 0.97 k-NN.weighted_vote true [ 1] Rule Induction 0.96 Rule Induction.criterion information_gain [ 2] Neural Net 0.98 Neural Net.decay false [ 3] SVM [ 4] Decision Tree [ 5] Naive Bayes Enter number of classifier you want a system for: 2 The created RapidMiner pipeline will be stored in result.xml and can be imported into Rapidminer. [[rapidminer:mlwizard|back to main page]]